Thursday, January 15, 2009

grace note.

I was such a terrible person today. And I'm sorry. I feel like my head is about to explode, and all I want to do is scream and have no one hear me. Everything I did, said... I'm sorry I can't be perfect; I wish I could... for you anyways. You have no idea how much willpower it takes to get up in the morning when you know you have to climb a mountain everyday. Every ounce of my being is saying "You can't do this. Give up now. Why are you trying?", but somehow I keep going. And I know it's not me anymore. It's something that not everyone knows, but only those lucky enough to realize it's in them. I need help. Counseling. Maybe a slave to do my homework as I focus on the things only I am supposed to do. But goodness... CUT ME SLACK. So I blew up. A little. Not even that much. CAN I GET A LITTLE GRACE FOR BEING AN EXTREMELY STRESSED OUT AND USUALLY VERY REASONABLE TEENAGER??? Seriously, I'm trying here.
I'm sorry, no one really cares about me ranting about all this stuff... you probably feel like a fool for reading this. But this was definitely one of those posts thats for my benefit more than yours.

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