Monday, February 15, 2010


today i am listening to Big Girl (You are Beautiful) by Mika.
because today i feel gross, inside and out.


  1. allow me to welcome you to my existance.
    after awhile, the grossness just dims into acceptance of "what the hell at least I'm not deformed" and "all my inner nastiness can be hidden by gallons of diet coke."

    probably not the best life motto, but for high school it works as good as any.

    ...I feel like it sounds like I'm making light of this post. I'm not, really. I TOTALLY with you, I just add in the part about d coke and such for the hope of at least making you smile.

    you're beautiful, inside and out. and the imperfections, the parts of ourselves that we can't even begin to try to explain or accept, are what make that beauty real.

  2. I know this feeling all too well.
    Jolly songs help me, too.
