Monday, February 16, 2009

to my lighthouses.

To whom it may concern:
I'm sorry. This is a public apology for me being selfish, for me only thinking about myself. It hasn't just been you either. It's everyone... everyone is paying for my actions that are motivated by only one thing: me.
And I'm sorry. I'm trying to make it better, to make things right when I say I can't, or I won't, or yeah, I'll call you tonight... when I never do.
So I'm sorry. To you, and to others that I just walk right past without thinking about. Because it's not about me.
This isn't a fun thing to admit, but I can keep on lying to myself and become someone I hate, or hate what I do and change what I'm becoming.
Thank you for forgiving, and thank you for putting up with a nut like me : )
All of you (you know who you are) are a great group of friends and I treasure you most dearly, and don't forget it. Thanks for looking past the lies that people may have told you, and still seeing me for what I really am.
Thank you.
And I mean it.
Love, Christine.

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