Monday, June 15, 2009

a dramtic teenager's experience with injustice.

grades = stupid teachers--that thank God--I will never have again.


i can barely write words to describe my frustration.


you cannot imagine the ugly, ugly words going through my head, that want to be written on this screen as a testimony to the injustice. injustice. injustice.

here is something i wrote as i suffered through that joke of a class:

"I am not a gifted writer. My vocabulary is not extensive, and when I try to describe things using words like "cotton-balls" and "sugar", I erase the hopeless scribbles in shame. So I am left with only creative arrangements of simple words that phase no one and leave impressions like footprints in dried concrete. So my pencil wears on through rough paper, begging me to stop..."

I received a B+ in creative writing. Because rubrics are apparently a challenge to make understandable, and I am not a kiss-ass.

injustice. injustice. injustice.