Thursday, April 16, 2009

i never believed in santa.

i don't like my new design too much... but i was getting sick of having to look at orlando bloom and not being able to have him. haha. (bitter laughter)

here's something to think about:
it always kind of makes me laugh bitterly some more when i think about how dreams seem so attainable in our minds, but then are SO impossible once we put them into action. an example, for instance: wow! i want to be a singer. i think i will! hey, mom! what do you think about me being a singer? ... the unfortunate parent then attempts to point out to their gleeful child the lack of realistic thinking in their dream, and the child leaves the room feeling like a deflated balloon. sad? yes. realistic? yes. but even i (and i'm not much of a dreamer) have my moments. they usually come late at night. often its these awesome lyrics with a melody so perfect i'm fighting the urge not to sing it aloud and wake up my family. in the morning when i wake up, the song is no longer a work of brilliance but another rock-pop mutation that sounds a little too much like kelly clarkson. and this is life. and it's fine, really... because it keeps us grounded. keeps us here. where we belong.

this sounds so depressing... but really, its not. it's life. and i'm fine with it.


  1. what if you changed your background to grey/blue and your main typeface to the purple color? well, maybe not the purple type, i don't know, but blue would be pretty with the art. i like that picture...

  2. I never believed in santa either.
