Tuesday, December 28, 2010

a curious thing.

another christmas passes by, and i am left befuddled by my curious family once again.
top (both good and bad, and in no particular order) memories:
1. beautiful indian boy massaging my hands in a organic beauty store.
2. my sensitive grandmother saying that my nose ring looks like a pig's.
3. realizing that i do actually love some of my extended family.
4. seeing how lucky i am with my immediate family.
5. buying a bump-it (FINALLY!!) at the dollarama.
6. a. being canadian.
b. partaking in family "christmas shots."
7. crying with my grandmother at the tragedy of alzheimer's.
8. meeting one of my cousins who i have not seen in a decade.
9. wearing this fantastic hoodie that i purchased thanks to boxing day... slash going shopping and actually bonding with my cousins.
10. reading heinous lyrics to my 55-year-old uncle's ridiculous songs for his mandolin (we don't play a flat tricks / we stick with a major and get the chicks).

oh canada. i don't know for how much longer we will be going to canada for christmas. soon my siblings and I will be rooted in jobs and spread all over, and these forced ties between certain family members will be lost. family is a strange, strange thing when you think about it.


  1. You gotta BUMP-IT???

    glad you're back. :)

  2. 1. Hand massages from strangers sounds good
    2. Boxing day!!! I wish we had that in the US. How would we even celebrate it?? :)

  3. its the black friday of canada. whut up.
