Thursday, October 28, 2010

one day i will send you.

nothing went wrong, tonight
nothing went right, tonight
i probably misled you
but my messages are the hurtful ones

sorry, i forgot

why don't i take that blame?
since you are not old enough to recognize you're immaturity

i hate to say i hate you
i hate to say i wish never need anybody
but you turn me off to the idea of trust

instead of cuddles and scarves,
i will fill this cup with tears,
so the salt will dry your mouth
stuck in your wolfish teeth
your ugly, ugly teeth
pointed like a fork,
digging into ugly cake

stay by my side
keep confusion outside of this room
as we laugh at things uncomfortable
and talk about people we wish we knew
so we knew they were better
and ties would not become so knotted


give me a task,
too dumb for children
a goal too small for someone my age
because that is how far my arms can reach

Someday my pain, someday my pain

Will mark you

Harness your blame, harness your blame

And walk through

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