Sunday, March 14, 2010


i turned and walked out the glass door, through blowing wind and a dusty downtown parking lot, trodded by thousands of poor feet, old feet, and shameful feet walking to the place of redemption. he called my name, i said hello, and we managed to see each other quite a few times. of course. i thought of the people who i put all my trust, and how some had let me down. opening the car door, placing my key in the ignition, happy music came on. and sadly, there is no better word than happy. my quick hands turned the dial, and i was lost in the song. singing with all my heart, eyes closed, but open. because i was driving. my hands gripped the steering wheel, and i was off. changing channels as soon as one song ended, all with different emotions, auras, and words. but i felt them all. i felt them all so much, i did not know what to do with myself. so i took the long way home, saw people running, walking. speeding cars getting pulled over, and robins picking at dead winter turf. eventually, my car found it's way home. dad asked me why i sped into the driveway, but i had no answer.

i was lost in the song.

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