Saturday, April 7, 2012


years ago,

i had it

my mediocre mind encased it

for a few hours, i understood

it seemed manageable

but my body has changed

and now i see an unmountable problem,

surpassing pain

but not enough to shake it off, tonight

sentences can’t hold it

fleeting, like liquid birds sliding off the page

flying into a dark that my eyes cannot make

for a few hours, pity was all mine

and i cradled it like my own child, unborn

now, the deafening connection has been made

and it traps my mind

it breaks my heart

and it is only me

all alone

and i am entirely confident that no one can understand

not even the one who speaks these haunting words, filled with broken bones and flowing blood

to an outlet that is my tears

when i can’t deal

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